1 inch x 1 inch tube

I am trying to overlay 1" x 1" tube but when I try to wrap the wet laminate around the tube I cant get it to stick and it just comes away at the corners. I have tried to vacuum bag the laminate to the tube but the corners come away before I can get the vac on and just causes big potrouding creases.

Does anyone know of an easy way to do this?:mad:

hmm…try this magical Super77 (3M adhesive spray) people talk about. Spray one edge, stick to tube, let sit. Wrap the rest tightly around, spray other edge of wrap, and then stick on tube.
Then you can let down some epoxy?

verses doing it all while wet with epoxy.

Also, maybe lay the wet CF as well as you cna, then wrap electrical tape around it real tight. Poke some holes in it afterwards to let some extra epoxy run out. Might take some sanding to get smooth. You’ll have a spriral line going around the final product otherwise.

whats the tube made of? rough it up with some course sandpaper to give the resin something more to grip.

Use CF Pre-preg, alum tubing, wax, peel ply and Dunstone Polyester heat shrink tape…

Peel ply on outer of the alum (expands and contracts with heat) tube (over kill but students again forget mold releases…)

Lay out, cut and roll up a “dubie”…opps :o the CF Pre-preg…

Roll, roll your boat…

…rolling finally?:smiley:

Rolling Peel ply (mostly if the Dunstone tape might be getting a little old - Donated material and we apprecate it 100%) on the outside of the CF PP…(more to offset removing mistakes)

Tuck in the peel ply into the tube sides…for easier final removeable.

Here’s an over shot of Dunstone product…

Start to applying the Dunstone shrink wrapping tape at an angle and over lap more than pictured…we learn from our mistakes…:rolleyes:

Wrap (more than pictured) the 2nd layer at the different direction as this tape applies 2500 psi (shrinkage) once fully heated!

Here I use a heat gun to start the shrinkage before going into the oven…

Into the oven…

WE cook this at 350 degrees for a full hour and rotating it 3 to 4 times with end that hour. Then remove from the ove with leather gloves, peel the wraps off while hot and slam end of tube onto the ground to pop the CF tube loose and off the alum tube (which will shrink back to the starting size.

Thats an excellent tutorial. Thanks mate.

Would heatshrink sleeving, the really thick stuff like used for battery packs etc, (shinks 2:1) be an OK substitute for the special tape you use there?
(Im thinking for wet lay-up not pre-preg materials)

Thanks…I have many more and need to learn a better way of putting them together.

That heat shrink tubing could work except it would be a bitch getting it over a wet tube (maybe also Peel ply wrap before the shrink tubing).

We have done some wet lay up tubes (in the classroom) with PER and PE film…but the students couldn’t do it in time before the PE resin kicked!:eek:


my supplier was telling me about a different catalyst for PER that you can use and DOUBLE your work time.

I was talking about how I never do overlays cause I want to vac them and the work time sucks…

Well, you can cut back on the MEKP % to get more work time but it takes a much longer time to fully cure and not distort. So leave it in the mold a longer time and better yet, place it out in the sun too!