Composite Laminate Samples Lab Test Results

There’s no reason, this is simply what we were testing at the time for a specific project. Just trying to show the customer the relative strengths of the different construction options, no trying to achieve the highest ultimate strength.

we got our first set of testing done today. I’ll hopefully be able to post up some pictures and test results early next week.

on a similar note, TET, do you have a good source that shows good examples for failure modes in composites. We have a few samples that all look ever so slightly different at the failure point, and I want to make sure I document to correct mod of failure whether it be delaminatation, buckling, etc…I’m quite new to composites and don’t want to be wrong about the mode of failure when analizing the samples.

PM me next week, I’ll see if I can find the correct ASTM standard, and if they have pics of failure modes.

Could I get a copy of those failure modes as well if you find them Riff?

It depends on the type of testing. Tensile, compression, and bending failures will all be different.

well we are doing a 3 point test, so I’ll only need bending failures.

riff, I think I saw that spec at some point when first doing research on composite testing, but I have no idea which one it is now.

ASTM D 790 - 03 for 3 point bend
ASTM D 6272 - 02 for 4pt. bend

that’s the spec (D790) we “followed” (as close as we could), and I don’t believe it has modes of failure in it. Maybe I don’t have the full spec, but i think it’s just test set-up and result caclulations. I’ll have to look it over again.

Aloha Tet ,
What core were you using? What do you think caused the failure?

Hey there,
could you please share your test lab contact info? I would like to have them test a few pieces as well. What size do they need to be?
Thank you,