Which Vacuum Pump Would Be Best?

Hey guys, first post here. I have been working with composites for a couple years now doing small infusions in my garage. I mostly make small motorcycle parts. I currently work at a wind turbine manufacturer running most of the infusions on turbine blades. I think it is time for me to upgrade my vacuum pump. I dont plan on making anything too big, the biggest thing I could see myself making would be about the size of a car hood. That being said, I would like the ability to make something larger than that if needed.

I recently bought 5 vacuum pumps on Craigslist that need rebuilding for $100 total. Here is what I bought:

I got two Welch duo-seal vacuum pumps model #1402.

I also have two Edwards high vacuum pumps “Speedivac” model #ED200

And the last one I got is a Welch Duo-Seal vacuum pump model #1400

All the pumps need some work to get running. Some are better than others, although all pumps are salvagable.

I plan on building a EVS system with an automatic on/off switch so I can run the pump when needed unattended.

Which pump would you guys recommend me rebuilding for this project? Pros and Cons of each one? Thanks!

Difficult question, it totally depends on the state of the pumps, can you get parts, make one from two, ect. This is a question only you can answer for yourself.

Edwards is top notch when you talk about vacuum and welch I don’t know.

I have an edwards pump (savant branded) and it is rock solid.