I’ve been in the composite industry for the past ten yrs. I started at 17 in my parents garage making custom speaker boxes, then moved onto working for a local small company buiding aerobatic planes and goverment work. Moved around in state and started working for a material manufacture in the R-D area, building, testing, proto work and everything else under the sun. Was layed off two yrs ago and have been working in the bigger aircraft companies as a contractor. I’m located in tulsa ok and the aircraft companies are over run with people here that can do composites for them cheaply.
So after talking to my wife we have decided to start looking at other states and see what other states might be able to offer. We have a son so finding a good school district is important. So i was hoping that i could here from some of you guys that might have done this, or if you know of a good place to move and still be around the composites industry. Any info is welcomed.