where do you get your jobs/ customers?

greetings all,
I started learning about composites 3 years ago and mainly thanks to this awesome website and few books out there, I can now make molds, hand lay up and infuse (I am pretty sure there is still A LOT more to learn). last yea started my small company ( WASP Composite) mainly making performance pieces (front splitter, under tray, rear diffuser, canards, brake cooling kit and … for S2000) and we are moving towards EVO and corvette and scion FRS pretty soon. HOWEVER, this journey has been pretty challenging and our main issue is fluctuation of our monthly income and it is hurting us since i started my business on little to almost no start up investment. I have been getting few orders from my own customers to make other parts in 10-20 quantities and that has definitely helped us out in recent months since I do not have to sell them and we get paid at once for all parts.
I am sure many people here own their own composite shops and some are looking to do the same, so this might help me and few others in the same position.

where and how do you find jobs for your shop?
would you recommend sticking to a certain industry (in my case automotive) or any type of jobs?
what are the issues that you have encountered in your experience that you hopefully might want to warn me about for the future

I understand what i am asking here might be too much, but i really do appreciate any help or suggestions.

here are few of our products


1,5 years now, and most of my customers come from previous employers, Herman(main supplier and big supporter since I first played around with composites), and some find me by my website. I’ve worked both in automotive and boatbuilding, but now about 60-80% is probably for nautical use, and automotive work isn’t that much. Trying to do some boardbuilding on the side, and maybe develop some other products. the income fluctuation is something I recognize and challenging too.
In composites there is a lot of freedom in the parts you make, so I’m not really specializing. But I have some orders now involving a lot of polyester/csm work, which I didn’t do for 1,5 years. I don’t like it, And I hope I can avoid it(afford to avoid it) as much as possible in the future, or do those under film. Sticky stinking messy crap. :stuck_out_tongue:

Your products look nice!

Very nice looking parts. You might want to try attending local and regional lapping or HPDE events for Honda, BMW, Audi clubs etc, show off some product, do a demo or provide an audio visual presentation during lunch … :wink:

Hi Bryan quick question for you, would you be kind enough to share the process used to achieving the wave pattern [squarish] on the below picture also was this hand lay’d or infused, type of fiber or its prepreg?
i have been try to get that sort of look but i do get it somewhat on some areas of the part not not all and i’m not sure if it could be due to the fact that i’m using layup and bagging instead of infusing.

lastly what kind of resin are u using.


Props to you man… Biggest biggest thing as you know is marketing. I’m very sure you are on the forums and market your products. Work with the forums and advertise. A tip would be to get yourself a healthy stock and try to implement a process and control of your materials to the dang penny. This will become a job in itself but those pennies make dollars and so on.

Group buys are very very profitable. Especially when you have material and product on hand. I know of a certain fabricator that builds parts, advertises a group interest, the prices get negotiated and much to surprise profit is not speculated as part were sitting ready to ship when the group buy was initiated.

If you have the ability to adapt from a job shop perspective doing custom work to cranking out quality product the parts will sell themselves.

Do not borrow money… As I’m sure you know… Work for it… Also… People buy fiberglass too… More so than carbon in many automotive circles. When you get into the corvette niche you will see what I’m talking about.

How to get work is by establishing yourself… Starting a shop and getting certified can help you get contracts. But that’s probably down the road.

Great to hear good news. I’ve watched your progress and noticed you progress.

I just wondered what you mean by getting certified?

I was referring to ISo9000 or as9100. Allows us to bid and hold contracts requiring quality management systems our customers require.

I never thought of that.

Im bumping this thread up. I too need more customers, at least ones that arent asking for honda civic bonnets :o