I had a company make up these boxes for me pictured above. there are a few issue with them. first they used fiber glass instead of carbon fiber which I specifically requested. Second the boxes are not rigid enough.
inside of these boxes will go a 5 lb table pc a 2 lbs camera and a 40 lbs photo printer
sorta like this:
what is the best way to reinforce walls with ribbing to make the whole box rigid? Keep in mind I most weld aluminum and this is how the box was made before:
so the tools I have at my disposal are not for carbon fiber.
wet layup techniques would be the preferred method since I dont’ have vacuum bagging stuff.
aluminum honeycomb?
square 1x1cm cf tube off ebay?
1x.5" aluminum tube epoxioed to innner wall?
foam strips with wet laid carbon fiber on top?
what would you do?