What kind of foam for infusion ?

Hey guys I tried to work with thin foam like 1-2mm with infusion but the whole stack is such compressed that resin dont flow under foam.

Do you know any special kind of foam for infusion? or maybe a solution.
I like foam cause it rather dont absorb resin like soric do.


You can find it cheaper at fiberglasssupply.com.

Typically foams for infusion may have grooves to help with better resin flow and also holes through the foam to help resin and air move through the core.

You could also use soric which is available down to just 1mm or 1.5mm I think.

Or the PET core for infusion http://home.nordnet.fr/~jmaquet/french/nidaprod_nidfoam3d.htm

Or to really cut some more weight you may be able to use a normal scrim backed square cut contour foam (that has only knife cut squares and no specific flow grooves) and then also use another mesh style flow medium outside the laminate on top of the peel ply. This something I have been meaning to try. Anybody done this?

I have used Divinycell (DIAB foam core) and drilled holes roughly 5cm apart. Then used a metal ruler to score grooves between the holes. Works really well for flat sheets, though you do get print through from the grooves.