What do you do with your empty 5 gallon pails?

I am wondering what you guys do with your empty pails, I am in a small town, hell napoleon dynamite was filmed just 30 minutes away. We have no hazardous dumping places. If I went to a larger city where would I go to dispose of it?

i open mine scrape them clean throw them in dumpster either use the material if it is good or just set it up and toss it also
you could ask comp 1 to take them they take all my drums dont know about pails

good idea

We reuse them by pouring down from a 55 drum.

When they get too bad inside, we might use them for acetone cleaning (first step: one REAL dirty acetone and second: one clean acetone) but we are going to www.mmcontainers.com with the screw on tops for the acetone ones now.

If you spash a little catalyst into the nearly empty pail, it will cure and you can just throw them away or fill them with cement for a Heavy static weight…

Most cities will not take hazardous waste from businesses - only residential households. Businesses are usually required to contact a licensed hazardous waste disposal company ($$$). Fines are pretty stiff and the officials I’ve dealt with in the past don’t listen to any excuses if you get caught.

Fully cured resins are usually not considered hazardous waste, but uncured components in containers are considered hazardous waste.

the fine for hazardous dumping here is $25… hahahah That is sad! My dump will take it as long as it is less then 5 liquid gallons.

i was told the lid had to be off and the material couldent cover the bottom comp 1 wont take mine if there is more than 1 inch in bottom he said he wasnt aloud to trans port it

he gave me a funny look when i told him there was alot more than 1 inch when he delivered it

25.00 that is nothing but i still wouldnt go dumping it in the ground i have a barrel of waste but have never filled it if it is no good i set it up and it goes in the dumpster

didn’t mean I would dump it , just sad that the punishment is only a $25 fine