I never had this before, hope someone can help.
Its worth noting that I have allways used Tygavac’s pinky/orangey bag. for large parts, I normally spit the bag in 2 and make a large bag. This was very time consuming, so I decided to source some large bagging.
This bagging was more pink and quite “crackly” when being pulled down. Anyways, I pulled vacuum as normal, debulked, and hooked up my gauge onto a connector on the other side of the bag/part. It read -0.9, so I thought I had a leak. went around the tape, didnt see anythign but pressed it anyway. Still -0.9. Thought my gauge was broke, so I hooked it straight to my vacuum, -1.0. Nothing unusual, I must have a leak somewhere, but just in case, I did a drop test. I connected the gauge, pulled vacuum, it went down to -0.9, and unhooked the pump. I went for lunch and came back. Still at -0.9. Left it for 3 hours. still -0.9.
Whats going on here? LOL