What exactly is PHP? Why use PHP? I know there may be better places to ask this, I see this website uses php. Also what is a cascading style sheet, css?
I kinda have to laugh at myself because i’ve used software that offers css, Namo WebEditor. This and the ancient version of Microsoft frontpage are the only two web software programs i have used to create websites. I’ve also dabbled in PaintShopPro7.
I’m looking for software that is compatible with Windows98. The website i want to build would need thumbnail photos of each item that can be clicked on to view in larger size, half screen sized. Also the large size pictures should have a X close screen option and a link option to let the site user go to another page. There would be around 150-200 of these types of thumbnail-large picture items. Also i need shopping cart technology that is secure. Do i have software options besides Adobe? They are very pricey, and so is Macromedia brand software.
PHP is a scripting language not unlike JavaScript or Visual Basic Scripting. This web forum you’re on is based on PHP scripting. Scripting allows a web developer to automate a lot of common processes required to make a web site interactive as well as use coding “packages” that are reusable across the site and it’s various applications.
When you want to create interactive web sites that gather information, package it and redistribute it scripting is required. There are certain logics behind each of the available scripting languages in use but PHP is an “open source” scripting language like JavaScript and it’s easy to find resources to help you understand it and use it on the web.
Why the hell not? lol
A “Style Sheet” is not unique to the web. It comes from the desktop publishing industry. Basically it’s a set of instructions for a software like a web browser on how the designer wants the various elements of page (web, print, PDF, etc) to be displayed to the viewer. You can use Style Sheets to control the size, type, color of fonts, borders, columns etc. (referred to as the layout of the page). YOu can also use style sheets to control the positioning and proportions of a page. Cascading Style Sheets are multiple sheets that work in conjuction with one another to form a complete style or set of styles. They’re really good at ensuring consistancy across a whole web site or publication without having to redefine the “Style” for each new page or publication. They can do other wonderful things such as blinking text, controlling the gender, pitch & volume of text to voice technologies etc.
I have probably a dozen graphics programs on my PC at work. Everything from Autoship (a super duper juiced up version of AutoCad that costs about 10K US per license) to Paint Shop Pro. Which is my favorite for photos etc. I also use FrontPage and it’s the foundation of our web publishing for Internet and Intranet but is rapidly becoming absolete. Microsoft Sharepoint Portal Designer is the new Mickeysoft web page tool. We also use other MS SQL database applictation development tools.
I can probably bootleg you a more up to date version of FP. Send me a PM and I’ll have a look on Monday. I don’t know about the thumbnail thingy but FP does have a similar function. I’ve created entire photo library archive applications in FP that contail 10’s of thousands of images.
Set yourself up with an e-Bay store!
What do you want to do with the Adobe and Macromedia? There’s plenty of open source tools out there. All it requires is a little research. Anything else just ask.
Dang, thanks for all that info and the time it must have took you
I’ll look into studying up on php and style sheets. I did have a PayPal shopping cart feature on my previous website. It works ok, but I suspect it left some people at a loss since they were not using PayPal. I want to stay away from ebay for the most part… they seem to make more money from me than i do. I do sell some small stuff on ebay. I’ll pm you about the other stuff.