Ways of making prepreg 'greener'?

Having recently worked for a company that used prepreg carbon,
(first job using prepreg) I am sold, in my mind, on how mess free it is. What I absolutely hated though was how much plastic backing was getting thrown away.

While I appreciate carbon fiber and the environment aren’t going to be best friends, is there a way of making some less environmentally damaging prepreg?

My thinking was something along the lines of DIY prepreg resin spread onto the fabric, then rolled in what could be a reusable teflon peel ply sheet? Obviously placed in the freezer afterwards.

Or, what about dry stabilized fabric used with resin films? I would have thought the resin films have their own backing plastic though?

Then bag the part in a reusable silicon bag.

There’s a company that makes reusable tubular silicon bags for vacuum (actually I don’t remember the name), maybe it could be also useful for keeping the pre preg into the freezer.

I’veworked in companies where the plastic is collected seperately and recycled. It’s easy to recycle those plastics, composites themselves, not so much…

I can’t imagine that sort of plastic gets recycled in this country. If it could be (if I could find such a company), then that would be great.