Vacuum regulator precise

I offer good quality vacuum regulators.
Connected to vacuum pump can regulate pressure precisely by turning on or off the pump by setting min and max values.
Very well made product for professionals.
A contactor is needed to connect tool and pump.
Connection scheme is attached.



190$ + shipping

Check your email :stuck_out_tongue:

Can you change the bar indication to mbar or hg ? 0,00 bar indication is very rough and not very handy if you want to set your setup for infusion. Can you also change the turning off response time ? Now it turns of before it hits the mark.

$ or euros?

Will ask technician about changing scale to HG or mbars.
Its $ - so USD. First pieces lower price.
George - you have reply.

Mbar can be set up too

Can you post a video with mbar an go deep - 5 mbar or so ?

Standard is bar so it must be special programmed for customer.
Beside that Bar with few places after point will give you the same as mbar

3 digits would be nice (or mbar). Readings of 10 mbar (0,01 bar) are useless, in the 0-50 mbar range.

Can it be set up to show absolute pressure? This one is tricky, as it needs an absolute pressure gauge.

What is the output? 12 volt on/off wire?

This stuff is sold as it is, the only change I can offer for now is bar to mbar.

Power supply of 12V DC

I am sorry, but then it will be of no use for me at this point. I like the concept, however.

No problem , thanks

wow!! That is a great tool.

Hey Fibrepro where are you?

I was in contact though PMs about getting one of your controllers but no reply for a long time. Are these controllers available?

And again.

Hey Fibrepro where are you?

I was in contact though PMs about getting one of your controllers but no reply for a long time. Are these controllers available?

I am interesting me too to buy one of this.