Vacuum probe leaks

I have problems to seal my vacuum probe. I try to stretch bag correctly to have no wrinkles and so on. But I have still leak. I polished upper part of aluminium probe which is in contact with gasket. I have question about gasket. If I look close to the gasket it has a texture, is not ,mirror, finish. This probably helps when locking probe (rotating). I pressed that gasket between clear plastic plates and I can see that texture makes a micro leak paths. I produced my own silicone gasket between two mirror plates. It ,drags, to surfaces and Im not able to lock probe so this is also not a good solution. Can someone tell me if this texture on gasket is standard surface finish and it dont cause leaks? Or Im locking it badly?



Can you post a picture? I use the Airtech vacuum probes and they have a flat surface which clamps down. I’ll post pictures of vacuum probe gasket as well for your comparison later this week when I get home.

Here you can see my setup. I polished that top piece. You can also see the texture of the gasket.


Could you apply some lube to you gasket to aid closing it?

I have the one that screws together so I get a decent clamp on it but something still leaks. Turns out its not the bag connector that leaks its’ the quick connector that leaks very slightly.

It was first think I suspected, but i tested only vacuum quick connectors and they hold vacuum very well. I donk know if they will hold same under 7 bar autoclave pressure.
I will probably use some kind of sealant to try if that seal is really a problem.

My vacuum connectors are made of a red rubber with no ridges at all. As for autoclave cures I would think that high pressure would force the connector down for a better seal in an autoclave.

Thanks for pictures canyon. I will use them in autoclave and see if I have same issue with full autoclave pressure. They are cheapest model. I will buy better one problably.
