snocutt: that is becoming a larger and larger problem. Many times the larger epoxy companies only accept pallet-size orders PER PRODUCT (resin and hardener are 2 different products). This is really thinning the options out, as you need a certain amount of sales to justify the purchase of such quantities. Buying too large can cause problems in warehousing, cashflow and profit.
I believe Huntsman has not been biten by that virus (yet) but many others have. Which actually creates a market for sub-distributors who create their own resins and hardeners by mixing and modifying basic systems.
Anyhow, your pump may work for a while, but keep in mind that most airco units smoke like nothing else if they do not reach their vacuum. Keep some spare oil at hand.
As for resins, both polyesters, vinylesters and epoxies are available in infusion qualities.
Polyesters and vinylesters should be largely unmodified (non thixotropic) and can have the cobalt added or not (check it, read the datasheet!).
Epoxy resins should be low viscosity, mixed viscosity up to 700 mPa.s works well. Keep in mind infusion speed is lineair with the viscosity. So a viscosity drop of 50% will speed up the infusion time by 2.
Also keep in mind that infusion is not a NASCAR race. Quality is more important than speed.