Username Box Change

Figured out that I can change the username box from the vertical style on the left to above the post. Not sure which one you guys like better so I’m gonna put it up to a vote. If one side is favored then I’m going to choose that one but if it’s 50/50 I’ll figure out some way that each user can select their own!

Screenshots coming in a sec

Screenshots attached to this post

Just a reminder. One week left for this poll

i voted name on top but i actually think i want to change my vote now lol… its quite clean with it next to the post…

It seems like everybody voted for the current style but I didn’t specify which was which very clearly.

Vertical Style is the way it is now, where the Username, post, location etc are on the left in a vertical line

Horizontal is how it used to be where all that is up top in a horizontally long box.

Looks like it’s going to stay the way it is. Thanks for voting!