Thermo-couple or heating element?

Ok, I go to a lot of surplus yards and too many years ago I found these things that at the time I thought they might be 1/8" round by 6" long heating elements.

At the time I was thinking of using them for sheet plastic heat strips for making my head and tailight smoked lens covers…

I just ran across them in the garage today and now I’m wondering if they are heating elements or thermo sensing couplers?

They are from / have on them “Pak-Tronics” & “Mod.1014” and 2x wires out of the top too!

I was going to put a meter on one but either way both will read resistance if it either of them.

Or I was going to hook them up to a modified extention cord that I have with 2x aligator clips for the power…but I hate to fried something or myself! Leather Gloves will be a must!

I’ll post a picture later as I’m on the wife’s laptop (no floppy disc adaptor for my camera’s floopy) while she uses my 'puter for grade books.