Ok, I started this thread for us to list the good and bad DVD & Videos. Now remember, some newbies will get more out of a DVD / Video that an advance person would fall asleep on…so you might to keep that in mind:
The best bang per $10.00 is to get the DVD from www.freemansupply.com b 321-8511[/b] or they also sell them on Ebay too. [b]“Making parts, Paterns, tools and Molds” second edition
[/b]Most of these other ones focus on audio speaker enclosures and custom show car products / ideas:
Very good and they have many DVD’s sets (the most I paid off Ebay was $120.00 for a 4 disc set) www.caraudiohowtos.com with Glassman’s custom forum.
An adult student donated to us a 2 DVD disc set (I’m not for sure on the costs) from www.caraudiohelp.com Fiberglass Fabrication II (60 Minutes each disc)
I also got a video from Ebay and I think (I don’t have it in front of me right now) I want to say something like Specialty or what (OK, I looked at it before leaving the classroom last night at 10pm…the older you get the shorter member span…LOL) and itwas like $50.00 or $60.00 and it was too amiture (so of like Evan’s & my video we did…lol). I’ll get the correct name and post it later.