Successful Upgrade!

The forums are now on vb 3.8.6. While it all looks the same right now there are more features under the hood. I’ll be testing them one by one as I get time to look for new changes :smiley:

Most importantly of all this forum is now completely up to date with security patches and current browser compatibility so after the initial bugs are worked out it’ll be smooth sailing from there.

As far as cost goes I paid for this out of pocket. I will be implementing ads later as mentioned once the adsense account is approved. I upgraded now for stability and security since I’ll have less and less time to work on the forums once classwork starts ramping up.

Anyhow I hope you enjoy the forums. I don’t even know all the cool new tricks yet so if you find some cool feature be sure to make a thread!

Would there be some way that we could keep ads off the forum?

Donations that would cover the costs but I hate asking all of you for money.

After reading many admin forums articles it has been suggested many times that the best usergroups for ads are guests and non contributing users. For most forums this apparently covers the basic costs. The way I’ve had it described ads are a great way to zero the costs of running a forum without charging active users a cent. I will never display ads to contributing users like yourself even if I have to eat up a difference.

Ads are not my go to option but I love this site. Once I get a real job and my income goes positive this won’t be a problem. I run this forum cause I love composites and I enjoy the environment here. Profit isn’t in my goals.

Thankyou. I personally would be happy to make a contribution. Cant talk for anyother users but im sure that there might be others that would to.

Would there be some way to set this up?

The simplest and easiest way is through Paypal!
There is a link in this thread but it seems that it isn’t obvious enough. I’ll add a donate button to the navbar for easier reference.

I really appreciate any and all donations. Besides helping out it also tells me that other people like this site as well!

Thanks again!


For some reason, since the upgrade I have been getting kicked out of my account randomly (even after clicking the box that says keep me logged in). It hasn’t really been a big deal, but today I was writing a PM and somehow I got logged out of the website between when I started writing and when I was finished. I know you are in school now, so definitely don’t make it a priority. Just thought it might be something to check in to.

So what happens is that you log in and while you’re doing something you randomly get logged out?
It definitely is a cookie issue so I’ll make some changes and see if you report anymore problems.
To help out though what browser are you using?

Do this Flesich. Make sure it says up in the url bar before you log in. That might fix the issue.
If you have anymore issues PM and I’ll continue working on it

Donate Button added up top for easier reference. A big thank you to everyone who donates!

woiuld we be able to get some kind of badge/banner under our name maybe that says donating members?> maybe it would help encourage others? i am paid monthky so i have to wait a few weeks but theni will definetly be making a donation, how much does the site roughly cost to run/host etc? [if u dont mind me asking]

i am also having this issue with the browser cookie logout… thing… it seems if i leave it for longer than ten mins it times out and even if i check the box to get it to remeber me it doesnt… its so strange having to log into this forum as ive always just auto’d in lol! tried clearing cache & cookies etc but it doesnt seem to have fixed the issue…


i tried to make another thread in here but it is saying that i dont have the rights?? just a quick q about my sig - i wanna out a link to my blog, and when it preveiws it comes up fine but wheni save and go to veiw any of my posts i have no sig :frowning: does it not like html or somehting? help! =^-^=

o, wait… disregard :slight_smile: ^^^^^ lol!

okay so i cant edit my posts so i need to keep making new ones lol

but also… avatars??
and thats it for today, lol.


Yea actually I’m going to figure out a ton of features for you guys. Great suggestion btw!

There is also a donations list that I need to add but it’s been giving me trouble. Here’s the direct link

Avatars should be enabled as well, as well as custom user titles. I’m gonna continue churning through cool things and provide a full list by this Sunday

Edit: For some reason the donation list isn’t working but I’m working on it.

From what I see you should be able to edit your posts. It doesn’t seem to be anything on the forum end. If you still have issues pm me.

For donors your group and user title have now changed, you can upload avatars that are 150x150px and custom html user titles.

Other users might ask why they can’t have these features and the reason is time. I can’t moderate thousands of pictures a day and I can’t check html for bad code. A second reason is that this is my small way of thanking these users. The forum is a forum not because I put it here but because you post here and specifically because you donated to keep it alive. More than anything else it’s good to know that other friendly and open people share the same interest as me! Thank you!

Canyon Im also having this loging out problem, I log in, click remember me then when I look at a different thread or page , im logged out again. never had this problem before this recent upgrade. any idea’s?

all i have under my posts are Offline, Report, Quote, Multi-Quote and Fast Reply :frowning:
also the loggin in/out problem too, but i am finding i will log in and within a few minutes of opening tabs they were all asking me to log in again too…

… but realistically these are just minor annoyances, i know how much time you are spending trying to do all this stuff!
plus with your studies and things, so thank YOU for still taking the time to take care of round here :slight_smile:

Ok I’m gonna figure this out. It’s funny that this happened a few days after the upgrade…

I apologize about these issues. I’ll keep you updated on progress.

It likely is a recent “feature” added to vbulletin, an auto cookie timeout. I’ll adjust this to an hour, tell me if the problems persist or if they’re fixed.

Linked is the thread on the Vbulletin Support forum

I’m now 99% sure it was that. The default time was 900 seconds or 15 minutes. I’ve changed it to an hour. If you have any more problems PLEASE post and I will get on it.

I’m not sure why you’re unable to edit your posts. When you have some time could you change your PW and pm it to me? I’ll log in and figure out what’s going on. Be sure to change it though before telling me what it is.

Sorry all and thank you for reporting these problems. I appreciate it!