Stir Sticks

hey guys,

I use 1oz cups a lot to mix small quanities of resin. Currently i’m using round toothpicks to mix with but it’s a bit of a pain.

Anyone know where i can buy stir sticks that are round, not tubular, about 1/8" diameter to 3/16" diameter for cheap?

maybe i should buy wood dowels and cut them into short sections? Unless there is something more cost and time effective.

I just buy wooden popcicle sticks sold in the craft section in nearly every fred meyer, walmart and art/craft shops they are sold in different sizes and easy to use:eek:

i use plastic forks and knives that get left over from food deliveries (hey ,they are unused, they dont have food on them!):stuck_out_tongue:

wooden popsicle sticks are too large and they wip air bubbles into the resin.

Thats what I do. Cut a few inches off a time. They work perfect.

I always used regular paint stir sticks, then degassed the resin for 3-5 minutes

Chop sticks.

wooden tongue depressors, cheap and work great

your finger.

works for me.