I used a HF texture paint spray gun.The kind that you can spray "popcorn ceiling " with tooling gelcoat.It worked great using 4mm nozzle.Gun comes with 4mm,6mm and 8mm nozzles with 1 gal hoper for $19 worked great
Thanks for the info. The spray pattern was even and consistent? I use a HF gun to spray PVA but I’ve never used one to spray a gelcoat.
I’ve used the same thing with good results, then read the gel coat instructions that said specificity not to use a popcorn gun. So screw it, if it works I’ll do it.
4mm nose? Are you sure not 2mm?
I would be concerned about how thick this gun is spraying the gel coat down at each pass. One thing to consider when spraying gelcoats is not to spray it on too thick during each pass. Doing so can trap lots of gasses and cause purosity. Also be sure to wait a couple minute between each pass for proper degassing of each coat.
Personally I have never sprayed my gelcoat. I saw a video a year or so ago of a guy using a parafin gun to spray gelcoat. Looked like it worked well. Has anyone else ever tried this? does the gelcoat need to be thined down to spray?
Need to be a spraying gel not a thinned down brushing gel im also guessing?
Yes it was 4mm .I do not know if it was a popcorn or not for sure.It was for decks and ceilings.I did not have to thin gelcoat.I felt that thinning would cause more trouble.
It worked great with orange tooling gelcoat.I the mold with two layers of 2 oz on it s and I am happy with my $19 gun
I used a hf touch up gun for pva $14
this gun has 3 nozzles 4mm,6mm and 8mm. I used the 4mm.If I used the 8mm that may be for popcorn it may not have worked