Hi there guys, just got myself an older style edwards vacuum pump and I plan to use it for some RTM work.
Anyways after picking it up I went home and plugged it in and it was loud as hell! This got me thinking, has anyone used or made a soundproof box to put the vacuum pump inside?
Was thinking just your basic mdf box with maybe foam and dynamat lining on the inside? Surely that would quiet down the monster a bit?
Heat would be an issue but if you think about it, once you have a vacuum switch wired up the pump wont be running all the time and therefore wont produce as much heat.
I’ve been considering a fridge pump to but its hard to find one from a large shop freezer up for sale Sadly, the one I got from a normal sized fridge could only hold 13-15 Hg!
Anyone have any input on the box?