Slow moving cloth

I have been offered some 3k 200grm carbon which is downgraded stock and labeled “good quality slow moving”

I have not come across the term slow moving before can anyone shed any light on what it means?

It means that the warp pattern is not perfectly perpendicular to the weft, but creates some “weaves”.

Roberto thanks

Not sure how he got that explanation, but I can only imagine that it means the stock doesn’t sell well, so they want to get rid of it. Slow moving stock is not good for a company, because it just sits there wasting room.
Now, WHY it is slow moving, can be a bad weave, weird material no one wants, old sizing, etc

Along with slow moving which could be either of the explanations above I did first think it might be slow moving stock, there are defects called “tight ends” and “shelvedge defects”?