Silicon Oil

Has anyone used silicon oil as a release agent on a mold with prepreg curing at 130 celcius?

If you ever hope to paint or clear coat the part do not use anything silicon based. It will forever mess up the paint job. I have used Silicon grease on bolts to stop them sticking to parts/together but only when painting is not needed later.

I have tried a few of the big name releases (Frekote, Chemlease, 19SAM, etc) and have found without a doubt 19SAM is the best. We used it with 130deg cure prepreg and it was great, easy to apply (and I had monkeys working for me that could do it), only need a touch up coat every second pull. Here is the data sheet:

Mould release is one area that you don’t want to do half arse. The best pump, bag, MTI hose, prepreg, etc is a waste if your part is stuck to the mould.