Just starting a new project where I will have to use sheet wax for the first time.What do you coat it with before taking a mold from the part to avoid the tooling gel melting the wax?.Tried a bit of freekote on it and it melted right away.Read somewhere about pva but dont want to use that if possible.I am using it to make a part slightly larger than the original so the finished item will fit on top.
Shouldn’t need anything. It’s the same as gel coating a mold coated with wax release agent.
freekot melted wax!!! I’m not sure what is more scary…what frekot does, or the reaction between the 2!!
Shouldn’t have to do anything. If it sticks when you pull the mold off…heat it up, and rub in the wax Then you don’t have to wax the mold!
Follow manufacturer’s directions. From freeman you have to seal with a lacquer, then apply the release agent to the lacquer. They recommend lacquer, then wax, then pva, then wax.