respirator type?

I have been getting light headed from working and it finally starting to be consistent enough that i’m a little concerned. It normally happens when i’m working with polyester resins and certain epoxies, and only lightly with rubber cement.

I am currently using a 3M respirator with organic vapor catridges. Are these the right ones to use? I’m not sure what kind of chemicals i’m trying to filter out or what filter is right.

Also i do not have the best ventilation, i work in my garage and try open the door as much as possible to get some air flow but its chilly out sometimes and i start pushing the lower limits of epoxies to be able to work.

what do you guys do?

You have the right filters. However how old are they? As they have a limited life before the charcoal inside them can’t absorb any more, this is why its a good idea to store them in an airtight container. Also check your mask is fitting you right, ie the right size and sealing around your face, and that it’s assembled correctly.

It is also possible that you are absorbing stuff through your skin, so try wearing a Tyvek suit (the kind spray painter wear).

And buy a fan.

Just out of curiosity, can you smell the vapours through your mask?

Moke, the filters are only 2 weeks old but i do hang my respirator on a hook right next to my hot box. Could be they have absrobed all the leaking vapors. I’ll start putting it in a plastic bag. A fan wouldn’t be a bad idea, might try a tyvek suit too.

Findhan, i don’t think i smell anything in my respirator

Strange, I always would have thought that if you couldnt smell the vapours then you would be ok. Got me thinking as I can never smell through my masks