I have LOVED this idea and done a lot of research on it, and feel it’s best for me as my workings with composites is a hobby and I do it in my basement.
So, I got lucky (I think) and picked up a brand new compressor that was delivered to a consumer accidentally and the company said just keep it.
My problem?? I’ve got no clue how to wire the dang thing up. I’ve got a run capicator with it as well as a overload protector, but how do I set everything up?? I presume I could somehow try to connect directly to the three pin connectors coming off the compressor and bypass everything, but I’d like some level of protection.
Initially I want to just run it hot off a plug, and later down the road once I’m past tinkering I will be adding in a vacuum switch, ect.
Anyone care to lend some wiring advice??? I’m normally not this inept but I’ve NEVER wired refrigerator internals before.