Reasonable price on PVA shipping? WTF

I tried to buy some PVA of I live in Norway so the cost of shipping 4 gallons of PVA was 1000USD :shock: :shock:

They said is was that expensive since it was hazard shipping or something. How can i get some PVA without getting robbed? Anyone got any tips? Its impossible to get it from any local shops here.


everywhere is going to be the same, tring to get hazardous materials seems exspensive to getting out of the country you should see all the loop holes and money to get it in!

:shock: wow and what was the total before shipping lol

There must be someone near you that sells it.

Now i have no clue about geography but im sure there is someone on this board from croatia (andreos (hope i got that right, sorry just incase!)) who may be able to give you supplier info.
Look for a post about infusing boats with a link to his website.

Failing that the UK is closer than the US (i think :roll: ) but im not sure what the exchange rate is like - check out CFS in cornwall they should be able to help but shipping will still suck

try talking to these guys and see if you can find out where they get it or buy it from them

wait wait wait… fiberglast charging rediculous prices? NO WAY!

try ordering in smaller quantites… may be more cost effective to order 1 gallon 4 times if it gets under the hazardous materials limit

It was hazardous materials even with 1 gallon. And to ship these overseas are ever more expensive.

I could by a plane ticket, and smuggel it back to Norway for that price.

Did you try to contact the norwegian boat manufacturer?

what about from surrounding countries instead of just the US?

It would seem to me that the closer that he stays to Norway, the cheaper shipping charges would be.

I used to live in Sweden and used to buy from
Abic Kemi try them.

There is a lot of suppliers around all of Scandinavia you can sometimes find
them by going to US based manufactors web sites and check for their international distributers.

Good Luck