Does anybody have experience with PTM&W’s High temp mold making resins, especially their surface coats?
I have used them before. they have good products. Huntsman is also good direction to go too for high temp tooling surface and epoxies.
I use PT1935 surface coat on all my molds, it’s easy to work with and polishes out really nice. The key to using it is to get all of the air out of it after you spared it out.
Thanks, what tecinque do you use to apply it?
I’m using PT 1945, by the way. It’s almost as thick as mollasses.
Hojo, yes I like the Huntsman High temp surface coats, much less viscous, unfortunately the customer has specified PT1945.
In my opinion I have always found a yellow 3" bondo spreeder to work the best for thick surface coats such as the PT 1945 and huntsmans 8020 surface. controlling thickness is difficult on complex surfaces. In certain situations you can thin the surface coat out with its laminating epoxy counter part which then can be rolled or brushed. Generally its best not to though. you really want to keep the surface coat thin 15 mils is ideal which I am sure you already know. Good luck!
I highly recommend degassing your surface coat for atleast 5 minutes before applying it to your plug. This will minimize porosity greatly