Prepreg supplier ing Germany?

does anyone know of a prepreg vendor, preferably in Germany, that sells small amounts. I’m looking 1-2 m² of UD to do some testing with. Icing on the cake would be low temp 200 g.

I would also consider outside of DE if they don’t charge € 50.- for postage.


That will be tough. Best bet is to drop by a prepreg user, not a supplier. Dump the stuff in your car, race back to your shop, and start your project or dump it in the freezer.

I was afraid of that. I’ll have to find someone close that works with it. All the companies I know of are in south Germany.

goessl pfaff sells in small amounts of fabric.
here some UD from Carbonwerke

and here as well, may be they sell small amounts.

Send me a private message I might have something for you.

Just wanted to say thank you to wobcomp and Dominik for fixing me up with what I needed.