PP and Fibreglass

I need to reinforce a large polypropylene sample with some material to increase its bending stiffness. Im looking at a few options including adding glass particles during injection moulding but Im not sure if this will be stiff enough. Even if it is, it may result in some parts of the component being too stiff which I need to be reasonably flexible, so I was thinking about possibly reinforcing it with a fibreglass tube in one location. So, has anyone got a source for fibreglass reinforced PP tubes, probably around the 20mm size? Preferably long fibre if possible Im sure there are extruded tubes with PP are there?
I could use epoxy/glass tubes but may be better compatability and fewer bonding issues if its the same material

well, one, PP is a low surface energy plastic. It’s used as mold tables here, so you don’t have to release it. The part will NOT bond to it!!! So trying to reinforce it is hard. However, there are things to help!
You can blast and plasma treat the surface. That as been shown to modify the surface enough to allow bonding.
Or, score some PP/Glass prepreg from places like Polystrand!!! While I have not used polystrand WITH PP plastic, I don’t see why the PP and the PP/glass won’t bond. After all, same plastic. However, this is an issue, since you need to heat it in an oven to melt the plastic!! Might have luck with local heating with a heatgun.

Also, there is a new material…Tegris? It’s a CF/Glass/PP prepreg. it’s woven, not uni like polystrand is. But again, need an oven to bond it.

Back to another point, glass filled PP is common I think. So yes, you can get those pellets and then extrude as needed.