Polydur vs Laminierkeramik

I am close to, ordering a couple of hundreds of kg of one of the mold materials stated in the title only for the UL wing. Still not bothering with the additional tons of mold material i will need for the other parts (fuse and stab).
Both materials suit my needs (price, distortion, temperature resistance). The nice thing about Laminierkeramik is the price (1/3 cheaper). But the problem of the Laminierkeramik is the tooling gel. Ideally I am aming for a tooling surface that resists 120ºC without distortion. Any body knows a tooling coat that works with laminierkeramik in the back and that can be heated to my target temeperature?

Thanks of any input

Use an epoxy gelcoat, an epoxy bonding layer (should be supplied by the “laminierkeramik” supplier), then the ceramic (probably an acrylic/gypsum mixture).

Look up the materials of Ebalta: Ebacryl

Herman, you are a human composite encyclopedia.
If I understand you, you are proposing to use as first gelcoat layer of the Polydur coat Em or SPG (thinly brushed) and then back it up with Laminierkeramik instead of Polydur LG. I also thought about this option to save some money but wasn’t sure about the compatibility of Polydur Em/Sgp with Laminierkeramik.

There is a red bonding layer. I really should look up the numbers. I made the Ebacryl for them in the past…

Did a search in my database:

Gelcoat resin = OH4
Gelcoat hardener fast = SR
Gelcoat hardener slow = SL

Bonding layer resin = Ebacryl KP
Curing agent for this = TGL

Then the actual Ebacryl material is put on top, wet in the bonding layer.

The epoxy gelcoat is not 100% styrene resistant, so be careful with polyester of vinylester resins.

I believe this stuff is more expensive than polydur and laminierkeramik. Polydur was bought by ebalta but they sell it for a higher price.

No idea. Do not have much experience in that field.