Pay Per View Classroom now open to Donors

Forum Donors can now access the Pay Per View classroom without any password. I should have made the change a long time ago but I completely forgot about that section.

Just a quick background,
The Pay Per View classroom was here before I joined the forum and I’ve been hesitant to make a decision about it. The idea is great but I lack the knowledge and experience to add anything that’s worth money. So for now it’s limited to content that’s currently there. Just don’t be surprised if you find out there’s not a lot! :smiley:

canyon, being currious I went to take a look but it still asked me for a password?!?!?

Just giving you a quick heads up

Thank you for noticing that. There was a forum password as well as a password for every section. All of them have now been removed and it should work now.

After seeing whats in there, in my opinion you should just make it public.

If I make it public I’m just going to delete that entire forum. Trouble is I’m not quite sure where to place all of those. I could put them in Articles and Tutorials but it’d be too many stickies. I’ll look into making a “mega” sticky and see if I can link threads without the linked one becoming archived

theres really not much there, most of the post contain nothing. you cant just stuff that all in to one new post?

I probably could. I’ve been very lazy with that section. At first I didn’t want to make any radical changes, or piss off people who had just paid Werksberg to get in. Then I just forgot about it until I realized today that it was still down there.

I’ll think hard about it this week and I’ll have a plan by Saturday the 8th.

I never even knew it had post in it. I had always thought that werks intended to do it but never got around to it.

I thought it was filled with lots of tutorials and secret tips before I got a look. I guess the best way to put it is that it’s in an inbetween state.

Unless you plan on using this section in the future I think you should just move those pages for everyone to see. Its not a big read by any means, it took less than 10 minutes to go through it all.

I agree with hojo. there rele is vwey little on there with some bits like the powerpoints not there at all and if it is what i think it it it is available on the airtech website anyways. In its current form I think it would be unfair for people to pay to view them as there is more information on the general forums than in the pay per view forums.

Dang you guys are convincing! :smiley:

The forum should now be open to all active and established members. That particular forum doesn’t have anti spam measures so if I open it up to everyone it’s going to get flooded with junk.

I’ll think of some way to organize the information in there and put it into the articles and tutorials section. One thing I really need to work on is finding a way to reduce the number of stickies. I was thinking about making one sticky that linked to the rest in the thread but the problem was that the linked threads would get archived. Making sure the threads don’t get archived takes some mysql trickery that I haven’t figured out yet.

Anyhow yea I’m glad to see that section opened up now anyway. I didn’t get any clear instruction on what Werks wanted with that section but I suppose that it never really ended up being what it was supposed to be so it’s better to just get rid of it.

Thanks for the input!

The reason for that section was that JM and myself were going to put together a series of articles with pictures. We all know that it’s usually quite difficult to find detailed (good) information and images of composites manufacturing, and wanted to do something about it.

Maybe I’ll take a look through the PPV this weekend and move the threads around to more appropriate and free sections. Will add how-to articles when I get a chance.


I myself can’t add much content to that forum and I especially can’t justify charging for that information since a large chunk would come from the open boards on this forum. It would be pretty stupid to glean information for free then charge money for it. I could only justify payment for original information which I have little of at this point in my career.

As it stands the current issue is that the lack of content doesn’t justify a cost to enter that forum. If you’re planning on expanding the PPV section then there’s no reason to close it down. Let me know what you want to do and I’ll try and help you out. But since it sounds like you know what you’re going to do I’ll take a laissez-faire stance on those forums.

I think I’ll fill in the sections, empty ones first, then move the threads out to the free forums. You’re right about the PPV aspect of it, there’s not enough there to charge for!

Once all the threads have been cleared out, the PPV section can be scrapped.

Any update on this yet guys??

Here’s my plan.

Articles and Tutorials is going to “converted” from a discussion forum to a stickies forum. In there will be all the useful articles and tutorials that novice fabricators can go into and find some basic info about infusion, wet layup etc etc. This way if someone comes in with the same basic questions we can refer them to the appropriate thread in there.

My plan is to move all threads in Pay Per View classroom to the Articles and Tutorials forum. However I don’t know what Tet’s plan is. My guess is he’ll reply to this thread soon and we’ll see!

Further update on PPV Classroom. A decision will be made by next Monday and posted here.

Sorry for the delay guys, I’m chest deep in school work and school projects. The plan of action is to move all those threads to articles and tutorials and close that section down. I should be doing that this weekend

All threads in Pay Per View have been moved to one section and later on this week I’ll move them to Articles and Tutorials and delete the Pay Per View section altogether

Once again thank you for the input in what to do with this section