Paper or plastic go green....

Interesting article…but in my former classroom, we discovered Plastics bags will hold more than paper in weight and it is only a few grams of plastic pellets…

A couple of interesting points on the plastic bag debate:

If you leave a plastic bag outside in the sun it will be gone within a year.

Do you guys have plastic window frames over there? Almost everyone has them fitted to their houses here in the UK, how many plastic bags in one window frame? Probably thousands, yet we throw out and replace thousands of plastic windows every day…

I think overal it’s a good idea to get rid of the disposable plastic bags. People should use the reusable bags, but they key issue being that they actually “reuse” them!
This is not anything new. In many countries, you go to the market with your own heavy duty bag, or have to buy the thin disposable ones at checkout. When people have to pay for them, they don’t use them.
Plastics are great, but recycling is the key.

Well really I was just remarking on the irony of saving a plastic bag which decays in the sun whilst burying plastic windows in the earth so they last for hundreds of years, but yes, re-cycling is cool, whilst we are provided bins to sort our various waste items into I will continue to fill them!

Unbelievably there are many who don’t seem to be able to manage it…:frowning:

unless they make plastic carrier bags flat on the bottom, they will always be less functional than the paper ones. bags should balance on their own and not dump their contents everywhere once you let go. i can’t believe consumers have put up with those cheap excuses for bags until now. most countries have finally banned them. as with all things, america will be last to figure out the practical choice.