North Texas - Looking for layup techs and R&D fabricators

Positions have been filled. Thanks to everyone.

Location - Wichita Falls, TX

I am looking to fill a few composite fabricator positions in Wichita Falls, TX.

The more experience the better, but willing to consider different experience levels from fairly new to veteran.

Experience in wet and prepreg layup, bonding, and aircraft assembly needed.

We can take you permanently or for a term of your choosing.

We are a small R&D gyroplane developer so there are various opportunities without the bureaucracy of the larger corporations.

Please look at our site:
email me at for more info/details or to apply.

Thanks for your time

I like your concept!

Unfortunately I am not in your area.:frowning:

Have you found a long-term layup tech yet?

Wow I guess I’ve been away for awhile…

Yes we did fill the position a long time ago, I will update the thread title.