
Isn’t this how composites was done before ovens and autoclaves?

Hardly an innovation??

Ah interesting. tbh, I thought the video was terrible and didn’t actually explain their USP until I read the blog so it just comes across as a standard infusion process! Interesting to see if its as good as they claim

What a bunch of bollocks.

No oven. OK. But I wonder what the Tg will be. I read on the blog:

NONA Composites LLC claim laminates with a glass transition temperature (Tg) of 400°F/204°C achieved via a two-hour cure and six-hour cool-down cycle, enabling service temperatures up to 350°F/177°C.

So, to go short, an OVEN.

No autoclave. I see that.

In their movie they also claim no post-processing, like machining. How does the part lose its “extra meat” then?

Nice animation, though.

Herman, they have heated moulds, tho they do nor need an oven:tongue:

OK, heated moulds. So much more simple than an oven…

Much much simpler.:wink:

They talk only about foam tooling…they say nothing about heated molds. The blog mentions controlling the exotherm and using that heat to cure/postcure…but the video only shows open bagging, no type of heat control.
Sooo…not sure what is going on here. Unless it’s very special resin, the rest, ie: 99% of what they focused on, is normal VARTM…so, I call bollocks as well.