New guy here making dichroic (Opal) composite architectural panels

Hi all,

Just want to introduce myself, and hope to get lots of good info, and share some as well.

I currently have two custom made vacuum laminating ovens (5 x 12 each) and used to laminate textured and dichroic (color-changing) glass in them (still do), but recently figured out how to laminate plastic composites in these ovens, which require pre and post processing with epoxies, 2K urethane foam and a whole host of other elastomers / fillers, etc. These glass and plastic panels change color with viewing angle and have actual 3D topography wetted out under the glass or acrylic face which makes them literally identcal to the gemstone Opal - same optical physics. Google guitar and Dichrolam and you will see top luthiers (Fender, PRS, Jens Ritter) using it in lieu of pearl / Abalone shell in guitars.

I used to be a UV chemist with a couple patents in polymer science (not impressive - our marketing guy patented everything we did), and prior to that, a former furniture designer / builder.

I bought a laser this year and wish I bought it ten years ago. Cuts my composites beautifully.

I built my own mahogany glass-bottomed boat which cemented my love of composites. Still can’t wait to launch it every year.

My version of redneck ample entertainment? Instead of a bug lamp, just give me a six pack and lots of 2K expanding urethane foam. Love to play with that stuff.

Welcome the forum!