new, but not new

Hey all!

I’ve been reading posts on this forum for some time now, and thought it was way past due to introduce myself and get aquointed with you all. My whole life I’ve been a craftsman of various sorts and as of the last couple of years been drawn to composites technology and their applications. I do have composite projects that I am currently trying to develop and have many questions in regard to them.I do regret that I did not persue an engineering career in my youth, and at my present age of 55 (and soon to be a Grandfather I might ad!) it is a little to late. However at present a complete novice, I’ve found this sight to be a great wealth of knowledge, skill, and experience. I look forward to, and count it a priviledge to continue my quest for knowledge at this forum! Thank you TET and other regular contributors that take time out from your profesional careers to share and help others! I hope that my future questions and thought process at this forum will help others as well.


Welcome to the forums!

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