So 3 different attempts now at creating a stable vacuum. Zero successes. I’ve tried a couple top layers with pleats. Putting my ear right down on it, I’ve gotten rid of any leaks I could hear. Finally, I said, this mold is small enough, Let’s envelope it. Invested in some tube bags. I sanded down all the reinforcement on the back and sides to make it smooth. Taped between the open ends. Taped outside the open ends on top of the previous tape. I get to -30, clamp off the ends, even put gum tape on the end of the resin side tube to make sure.
I’ve never felt like a bigger idiot or more frustrated in my life. I’ve gone through 4 rolls of tape with no success. People somehow do this on something the size of a boat, It can’t be this difficult. At this point, all I can think of is to double bag, but I’d have to wait for another connector for the pump to arrive. I’m ready to pay someone to come to my house to show me what an idiot I am.