Need adhesive for interlaminar bond to PET (Mylar) film

First inquiry post here - Hi All.

Most of us love PET film for its release properties, but this time I need to find an adhesive that STICKS to it.

I mfr an Opal-like decorative architectural laminate in which its primary component is a special dichroic (color-changing) film which has PET (packaging tape film) face skins. I currently formulated my own primer to bond to it, and it helps, but the solvents from the overlay resin destroy it unless I do a “special treatment” (proprietary) that takes time, and would like to avoid that step. I also use corona treatment to help, but glossy PET is so hard, and non solvent meltable like acrylic, PETG, etc.

Seems like I just gave myself the answer - use the adhesive that they use on packaging tape. Good idea, but not sure where to get it, and pretty sure that the solvents in my overlay resin will destroy its adhesive properties like they do in my current primer.

Anyone know of a 2 part (crosslinking will undoubtedly seal it against the solvents from my overlay resin), clear adhesive for PET?

My experiences with Mylar film is that epoxy adheres to it very well unless some type of release agent (PTFE, PAV-Wax, etc.) is used.