Considering all the help i got so far from here i thought it would be a good thing to share with all of you pics and designs of a spray booth i am creating. Who knows maybe it will be useful for someone.
There are some principals that got into account when designing this :
- Cause it is a temporary place it had to be able to be dissembled and assembled somewhere else - Not an easy thing to do , but it can be done.
- It uses a 2.8 AMP fan for intake with a pro filter attached which leads to the final filter box that pushes air in from the ceiling via a canal . It uses a 1.5 Amp fun for exhaust . I connected regulators in both funs and the idea is that i want to regulate the pressure inside the room so that i will have slightly positive pressure . Basically i will try to push in slightly more air that push out.
- Because i had in my hands 60X60 ceiling lights i will use them hanged from the outside in the perimeter and the ceiling which will be covered with glass.