

I once painted a car silver. That was a freakin’ disaster!!! This looks sweet but I imagine takes a real fine touch! Of course I’m an ole fart who remembers chrome bumpers on cars!! :wink:


That products has gotten some rave reviews from professional and amature auto painters. It looks super hot over a black base coat… end result is black-chrome.

There is another company that makes this product also, but from what i hear Alsa’s is better.

Not sure which one is more durable, but I was told Spectrachrome shines much better.

Check it out…

Wow that is some sexy stuff! :eek:

esp that spectra chrome, some copper stuff would look really cool!

I used to have the Spectrachrome system. It looks good but it’s a pain in the ass to spray it. The basecoat can’t have any orangepeel or dust or the chrome looks like crap. It also didn’t like too much heat or it started turning yellow.

The mirrachrome is easier to use but it’s not as reflective as the Spectrachrome. I’ve got some of that right now. You have to spray it over a nice smooth black basecoat. It’s pretty expensive but you don’t need to use too much. When sprayed really lightly with an airbrush it makes some nice black chrome ghost flames!

si that while it’s being sprayed or once already on the part and fully cured?

That’s after it’s been applied and cured.

Perhaps this is an idea for my motorcycle wheels ( mag style not spoke). black chrome would go well with my bike’s colors. or maybe i’ll just let the powdercoaters do it to save me the labor.

I would go the powder coat route, it’s nuke proof if done right. Thei mirachrome stuff would kick ass for custom jobs etc… but I’m not confident in it’s durability.

Can anyone comment on it’s durrability? would it flake off if chipped, for example on a rim?

Both the Mirrachrome and the Spectrachrome are as durable as regular automotive paint when it comes to scratching and chipping.