Mirage carbon fiber

Hi all, has anyone ever worked with mirage carbon fiber from composites envision? I’m concerned with the copper wire being difficult to cut and difficult to form to complex molds. Thanks

there was a post i saw not too long ago of some pictures of some of the materials from composites envision. They looked pretty damn nice i have to say. I bought a sampler pack from them and they have quite a selection. Seems like the copper wire and other materials they weave in was fine and wouldn’t be a problem as I would think cutting epoxy carbon is probably harder to do than cutting a tiny copper wire.

I think that post was in the showcase section… do a search and it should pop right up.

Sorry I’m a little late on this one. Just joined the site recently. Mirage is a great looking product! But you do have to have some skills to work with it. I have some experience with it and had nice success with it. I used the silver coated copper, the only drawback is that you have to be really really careful when finishing this after your part is made. If you touch the copper at all with sandpaper it will immediately strip the coating and leave a noticible imperfection. Like I said though if you have some skills the stuff is great and looks fantastic. Practice on a small piace first! Also Jake and Cory at Composite Envisions are great to work with, I highly recommend them!!!

Nice work Gemini. I saw this chevelle on some of the SEMA photos. Beautiful car and the carbon work really sets this car off.

Thanks much! Ringbrothers always do such cool stuff, it is a pleasure to be involved with them!! Did you see their all carbon 65 Mustang this year?



Bad ass…awesome :slight_smile:

The mustang looks great too. I hate to see so much of it painted. The Chevelle was perfect, just enough carbon showing. Are these parts infused?

Love it. I’m doing a lot of work on vintage cars myself, 57 Chev’s and the likes, so this is interesting.

The paint job on the Mustang is actually my favourite part of it, it’s outstanding.

I want that mustang when I grow up :smiley:

Thanks! Yes the parts are infused.