May cause latex gloves pinholes?

Hello, Many times when I wrap with CF some automotive parts with hand lay up it appears pinholes. I think this is cause by the latex gloves when I manipulate the part. Are the latex gloves made with any substance like silicone or similar?
What do you think?

Maybe it’s your gloves? The only time I really create holes in my gloves is when I’m pawing to get the backing paper off. Doing a dry layup I don’t have the issue. I usually use latex but sometimes nitrile. There are a variety of types but usualy they’re latex or nitrile. Never used vinyl for layup.

I don’t think there are silicone gloves? They’d probably be expensive.

I use latex gloves. I’m really worried about what cause the pinhole in resin :frowning:

It’s not the gloves… latex or nitrile won’t cause issues. If there is pinholes is either the material or your process.

You’re always going to struggle with pinholes using open moulding methods.

But I do not why, sometimes get pinholes and sometimes no. Or in the same part there are areas with more pinholes than others.