matte / flat gel coat additive

I’m looking for some direction for a product available in the US that can be added to gel coat for a matte finish. Preferably, some with UV protection. Something like the Duratech clear additive but with flatening compounds

Can you use automotive flatteners like House of Kolor, or PPG? any idea of ratio?

Thank you.

Matte release agents may do the trick. But we use them directly on exposed carbon.
Use an auto grade matte clear coat if you need extra protection. Better yet, paint the parts!

everyone I know clear coats the gel coat part after it is trimmed. You can use a flatening agent in your 2K auto clear coat.

Alot of European and Aussies like to paint the c/f parts. American’s, most of them seem to like to see the weave, at least with cosmetic parts.

Thanks for the information. I’ll just plan on recoating the part in an automotive matte clear to dull the gloss.

For some of my parts that don’t need UV protection, I put a peel ply on the mold side. gives is a dry/flat look after you peel it off.

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