Making Spiral Wrap

It seems everywhere i have looked on the web, business’ want around .99Cents per foot of spiral wrap. Ridiculous i say, absolutely ridiculous for what it is.

I am thinking of building a small machine that will spiral cut polyethelene tubing. Buying a 100 ft roll of regular pe tubing is cheap. After i build it i will test it and post pics and how it’s made.

.99 cents is a rip off. I pay .45 cents a foot from Mcmaster. 100ft. rolls $44.77

Same with Ebay about 45 cents a foot

you can buy for even cheaper from waytek wire, I believe we pay $.24/foot off the top of my head

WOOT! 24cents :eek:
Thanks Hojo

I am having it made… In 5 mile batches…

actually we pay $0.317/Foot for 3/8" spiral wrap, just checked, still better than $.45/foot.

I get mine from, for the 3/8" natural spiral wrap for 100 feet spool before shipping is .20 per foot.

thats pretty cheap, hows the quality? Ill have to check it out.

The quality is great to me! I use two different size spiral wraps for my vacuum and resin lines.

Check shop that sell electronic equipment… you can find it for less than $0.30/feet.