I know the title hasn’t explained it very well at all about what I mean, so here is a link to help;
also - http://www.sicklines.com/gallery/data/1073/evil-undead-2013-fox-rc4.jpg
I’m wondering how you’d go about making that ‘tunnel’ section for the rear suspension - especially making sure that the inner surface is the correct width for bolts & spacers?
Does anybody have a link to pics or videos that show how this type of shape is achieved in the molding process?
Would the ‘walls’ of the frame that go around the shock be solid carbon or have a very thin layer of foam inside?
Finally, how do they know that the ‘walls’ of the ‘tunnel’ are not only have the correct inside dimension, but also the correct outside dimension with proper fabric layer compaction?
This type of process has had my brain working over time to figure out, so any slight insight/info would be much appreciated.