Looking for Composite Technicians

Looking for Composite Technicians for fiberglass, honeycomb core, metal to metal bonding in the aerospace field. Must be able to read aircraft assembly prints and have a complete understanding of the composites autoclave manufacturing process. Prior experience required. Company located in North East Georgia. Email resume to compositehelpneeded@gmail.com

Hmm benefits? Long term short term? Full time or temp? Pay scale? What shift? Gmail account? Seriously?

There’s alot of good people these day looking for jobs…If I were looking for a serious experienced candidate I’d take a job posting in the worlds largest online composite forum serious as well. Asking for personal info on a public site with a gmail account isn’t at all a good approach either. Please update posting … Looks like a scam add. Also introduce your company to the site…after all…it is you who is asking and in need.

Thank you for replying to our post. I can assure you we are looking for qualified Composite Technician experienced in the aerospace field. The Gmail account is used to to filter scams to the company email. Pay and benifits are not discussed in advance since an applicant will apply for a position based on this criteria alone. Thank you for the advice on adding full time and long term. The post was designed to capture some’s interest, which it has. We applogize if it’s insufficient and will amend accordingly. We are also using other professional recruiting services, which suggested this site. Best Regards, GSESC 29 Aug 11.