Looking for a member in Munich

To help a friend find of mine who is in Germany for awhile at his job.
he bought a racecar over there and is having trouble finding sources for materials on the do it your self level.
he wants to do some minor repairs to run it over there and it will eventually come to the states when his work commitment is done.
thanks for any help if you could post where he could find carbon and resin etc.

The car is a Tatuus and looks like this


Hi Tom,

he can contact me. I can give him all information and sources he needs. If nessecary I can also help him with materials or a workshop, but I am in the north of Germany.

Thank you PM sent

I’m in Portugal but have had good luck and service from r-g.de also they have an English version of their website

R-G, HPtextiles, Time-out are a few I can name. Gazechim is also pretty big, and could definitely supply trough one of their sister companies.