
Just done first infusion piece just a couple of problems pinholes,I did put mesh around part and around perimeter of flange,looking at articles on here it seems not to use mesh around flange area advice most appreciated.

I don’t see how it would hurt having flow medium on the flange area. I just have flow medium up to the vacuum and inlet lines and make sure the part surface is covered.

If you are running a perimeter vacuum or resin line using spiral wrap then yeah you may want flow medium on the flanges.

The part I infused was not great half way through I got a leak in bag could not find it because resin was about 2 hour working time I took off bag and made another one vaccumed back down again infused more resin I think I left pump on for to long and drew out to much resin causing pinholes apart from that not to bad considering the part is concave with returns next time I think the best way would be to vaccum part and leave over night to see if I loose any vacuum in part.