Infusion spiral wrap size vs flow rate


A local supplier sells 6mm spiral wrap that I use for small parts, the flow seems to be ok but I am only making parts around 500mm x 200mm so don’t notice any restrictions.

I have just found a larger 10mm spiral and wondered if could expect much increase on flow with a larger diameter tube? I am due to test some larger parts soon and will be using the 10mm then, in the meantime just curious if anyone has any experience with different size wraps please?

Stay with the smaller spirel. Less resin waste and flow rate is determined by laminate, along with otherthings…

I’ve got both 6mm spiral wrap and 1/2" (so about 10mm) spiral wrap. Flow is definitely a bit faster with the 1/2", but it’s not anything to get excited about. As Brad said, you’ll waste less resin with the smaller wrap. I only use my 1/2" stuff on larger infusions, so anything 1sqm or bigger. I’ve also done larger infusions with the 6mm wrap and it still works fine, so no problems there.

Cheers guys, much appreciated